I was part of a contingent of women leaders who went to NYC last week with a proposal to shift the narrative of fear to one of hope and radical optimism. Our proposal is inspired by the audacious possibility, put forward by indigenous leader Jade Begay, who challenged us during our Connected Women Leaders forum in Bellagio last April to imagine "that our best times may be ahead of us!"
Read MoreConnecting Women Leaders to Build Bridges For Change
There has never been a greater need for a commitment to serve others, to use our power and privilege as leaders to connect, collaborate, and lead for change. Are we doing enough to confront the global challenges that sometimes feel insurmountable?
Read MoreLessons From the Cold War
For those of us who grew up during the 40-year conflict known as the Cold War, the resonances of ‘duck and cover’ routines at school catapult us between the fear of another world war and the hope that out of this conflict will emerge not only a free Ukraine, but also a globally unified and urgent response to two existential threats the world faces today. The first, stockpiles of nuclear weapons, a legacy of the Cold War, and the second, the world's dependence on fossil fuels, one that might be curbed using lessons from the Cold War.
Read MoreThe InfluencHER Project: Q&A with Gloria Walton of The Solutions Project
In honor of Earth Day, I want to amplify this InfluencHER Project interview with Gloria Walton, a longtime community organizer and president and CEO of The Solutions Project, a national climate justice organization that supports climate changemakers, innovators, and 'solutionaries’ at the grassroots level. I met Gloria recently and she is one of the most inspiring young women climate activists/leaders I’ve met.
Read MoreWomen Leaders for Climate Justice: Shaping Solutions [VIDEO]
Climate change is a crisis that will impact all people, but its effects are being shaped by pervasive and entrenched inequalities. In this Skoll World Forum panel, I talked with activists, experts and Gina McCarthy, the first White House National Climate Advisor, about what we need to do to solve climate change in an equitable, just and sustainable way that provides good outcomes for all of us. As usual, women are leading the way.
Read MoreWOW Global 24 Video: 3 Panels on Climate Justice in the Age of Covid-19
What is climate justice and how can we achieve it? In this illuminating session from today’s WOW Global 24 Festival, our panel of experts, activists and world leaders discuss how we can bring together the knowledge of the world’s Indigenous women and climate scientists to build understanding of the planet and resilience of communities of all kinds to cope with climate change and care for the planet.
Read MoreWatch EarthxWomen Climate Justice Panel
How are women and girls leading towards the global RESET of policies, politics, global agreements and human behavior that can emerge from this time of contagion and confusion? Watch women leaders from around the globe, girls and women leading from the frontlines of the climate crisis, talking about climate change and climate justice in the time of COVID-19.
Read MoreClimate Justice in the Time of COVID-19: 5 Lessons From Women and Girls Leading the Fight
COVID-19 is a health, economic and social crisis, but it also holds out an opportunity for the world to move forward into a more equitable and green recovery. Women climate leaders sounded notes of hope, solidarity, and urgency during a webinar convened by the Skoll World Forum in partnership with Connected Women Leaders and The Rockefeller Foundation.
Read MoreBecoming a Dangerous Woman — A Declaration and a New Book Title
Titles are tricky — both the personal titles that often follow our names in an introduction and certainly, titles of books which, according to my book editor, can make all the difference in whether potential readers see value in what a title promises. I had an opportunity to go public with my new "title" of dangerous woman earlier this month as a commencement speaker at the University of Miami.
Read MoreOrganizers Kyra Gantois, 19, and Anuna De Wever, 17, at Brussels school strike on January 10, 2019 with over 3,500 marchers. The movement is growing. Earlier this month, the Brussels march included over 12,000 students. (Credit: Instagram)
These Young Women Might Save the Planet
One of anthropologist Margaret Mead’s most famous quotes instructs us to “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” We might amend Mead’s observation to honor a group of thoughtful, committed teenagers across the world standing against climate change.
Read MoreMary Robinson speaks at TEDWomen2015 in Monterey, California, USA. Photo: Marla Aufmuth/TED
TEDWomen Updates: Mary Robinson on Hurricanes, Monsoons and the Human Rights of Climate Change
In 2015, former president of Ireland and climate justice activist Mary Robinson explained how she came to view fighting climate change as a human rights issue. In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and now Maria, and extreme monsoons in South Asia, I reached out to Mary to get an update on her work.
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